Friday, February 3, 2017

From Destruction, Community

At a time of fear and political strife in Texas and the national stage, a gesture of goodwill and humanity can turn tragedy into a galvanizing force of the community. On February 1st in Victoria, Texas, crowds of supporters gathered around the rubble of a 16-year-old mosque that was engulfed in flames days earlier. Many have speculated that this destruction was a direct result of President Trump’s executive order which banned travel from seven Muslim countries. While claiming the actions of the president causes a person to commit a crime is a pretty preposterous claim, one should ask if this EO perhaps establishes a president which creates a hostile environment for those of the Muslim faith. Regardless, the people of Victoria have rallied their support for the Muslim community effected by the fire. Even Trump supporters have rallied to show support and solidarity for their neighbors. This should be viewed as a case study of true tolerance and acceptance. Feel free to read the article here.

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