SB 6 or more commonly called the bathroom bill seeks to require Texans to use that bathroom that aligns with the sex listed on their birth certificate. The implications affect the transgender community who feel more comfortable in a gender other than the one assigned to them at birth. This bill is bad for Texans because it alienates the rights of the disenfranchised, will likely cost Texans millions of dollars in lost revenue, and set a precedent of legalized discrimination.
Texas is known, in part, for being a welcoming state that has a booming economy and generally a friendly place to live. This legislation aligns Texas with the like of Indiana and South Carolina, which have faced public criticism from fortune 500 companies, major sports affiliations, and the general public. The fallout from this bill is already being felt as companies prepare to move their business to less hostile states. I think that Barry hit the nail on the head with this article and you can check it out for yourself here.
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